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Super Metroid / A Link to the Past Combo Randomizer 2v2 Co-op Tournament 2021

Welcome to the SMZ3 2v2 Co-op tournament! Teams will consist of two runners and they are able to share information while playing the same seed. To participate you will need to be able to stream your gameplay. will be used for the official timing, however admins may make exceptions depending on the situation.  Please familiarize yourself with the rules there.

You will be expected to join a Discord server (, which we will use as our main source of communication. Matches may be streamed, with commentary, to the SpeedGaming Twitch channels.

Additional Info for the Tournament:
Two-Player Teams, and a requirement of having completed a Hard Logic Co-Op seed with a sub-4 time is required to enter, per team.

The tournament format is double elimination. Seeding into the double elimination bracket will be done based on Qualifiers using reverse seeding (1 v. 32, 2 v. 31, etc.). We will be running 4(four) qualifier races and we will take a team's top 2 times. A "par" time will be set per qualifier to determine scores for qualifier rankings. This will be determined using the following:



PAR_TIME will be determined by the average finish time of the top X teams, variable by number of teams entering the race.  For 1-6 teams, X = 1; 7-12 teams, X = 2; 13-18 teams, X = 3, and 19+ teams, X = 4.

A minimum race score will be 0 if a team's time is twice the par time or greater.  The top 32 teams will be seeded into the bracket.  Ties for seeding will be broken randomly.

A 10-minute Stream Delay will be required for all tournament matches including qualifier matches. For official tournament matches, first team to finish(meaning both two runners of a team finishes before the two runners of the other team) wins their match. We have used this as a standard for past tournaments as well as the weekly community races, so we will continue with this method.

With the 10 Minute stream delays, please remember that you need to let the stream delay complete  AFTER YOU STOP YOUR STREAM. Once you stop your stream, please leave your stream application/software running and do not discard the final 10 minutes. For this reason, it is recommended to also record your stream locally in the instance that verification of your finish is needed and you cut stream early. We will give a single, one-time pass for any issues with this concern during the tournament. Anything more than once will be a disqualification for your team.

Seeds will be v11.2 Hard Logic. Winners Bracket will have two weeks per round to schedule. Losers Bracket will have one week per round to schedule.

Important Dates: 
Qualifiers(in place of the current weekly races):
June 13th @ 3:00 PM Eastern
June 21st @ 9:00 PM Eastern
June 27th @ 3:00 PM Eastern
July 5th @ 9:00 PM Eastern
(*If your team cannot participate in any qualifier races but would like to demonstrate completion of a seed for purpose of being eligible for seeding, contact an admin to make arrangements.*)

July 10th - Sign ups close

July 18th - Scheduling can begin

July 19th - Tournament Begins


Match Schedule:

Tournament Rules:
All logic is standard and does not allow for any Major Glitches, and will allow for Minor Glitches approved for competitive ALTTPR racing(fake flippers, Icebreaker, bomb jumps, etc). Similarly in SM, please do not use any OOB glitches. 

The use of SpriteSomething is not allowed for custom sprites that are not provided by the website. We do not want to have anyone question or claim potential ROM tampering so we are not allowing any kind of post-generation modifications of the ROM that isn't done by the site itself. When using tools such as SpriteSomething, we have no control over those modifications, and we can't guarantee that the end result is a race-legal ROM that has the exact same behaviour and timing as the ones generated on the site.

Any kind of MSU is NOT allowed, regardless of being restreamed or not. 

Autotracking of items is allowed, but autotracking for map trackers is not allowed. 

If you have any technical issues or difficulties with internet, first try to reschedule your match to another day. If there is no option to reschedule, notify a Tournament Admin. Please make local recordings of races. Local recordings of your entire stream are preferred to just raw game feed and are sufficient to determine the result of a race. If you have internet or technical issues (for a moderate/significant period of time) and cannot provide a local recording then you will be forfeit from that match. There will be no rematches.

Do not watch your partners stream(with a Stream Delay you likely wouldn't be anyway), and do not watch any opponent streams or race restreams at all until the completion of both you and your teammates games. Please do not be present in the channel or chat of any restream channels. This includes talking in chat after you have finished in the race but have not yet finished on the restream due to Stream Delay. You should not be in the restream chat at all until both members of your team are finished. Do not report to your teammate where your opponents are, even if you are the first player finished on either team. ROM/RAM Inspection is not allowed. Please use emote-only in your chat.

Do not chat in the chat until both teams have finished, exceptions being congrats or gg's, etc.

If you think that anyone is cheating, please do not bring it up in any channels on the Tournament Discord or in chat during any tournament restreams. Please message a Tournament Admin directly. Please only include facts and provide as much information as possible to support your claim. Harassment, bullying and continued cheat accusations will not be tolerated and will result in immediate removal from the tournament and relevant Discords/Twitch channels. 

Players who are removed for conduct violations will be banned from all future tournaments. Conduct violations include, but are not limited to: Harassment of players, volunteers, mods/admins, or the general public in the tournament discord or restream channels.

Allowed emulators include SNES9X 1.51+, SNESGT, SNESGX (Wii) & BSNES/HIGAN.

ZSNES & older versions of SNES9X are banned.

SD2SNES, Super Everdrive, SNES Classic and SuperNT are all allowed.

Final Results













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